Relief in months, not years

This 2-month program is designed to help you identify your food triggers, get access to one of Fig's registered dietitians, and build a personalized nutrition plan. Whether you are struggling with a diet or searching for answers, it's the quick start you need to start feeling better every day.

Normally, dietitian services for 2 months cost over $700. But we're offering it for under $45 per week ($350 for the entire 8 week program) to the first 10 Fig members!

Get Started
  • 1. Get Matched with a Dietitian

    Fill out the screener to be matched with the best clinician for your unique needs

  • 2. Meet 1-on-1 With Your Dieititan

    Review your symptoms and set up your personalized program (virtually!)

  • 3. Identify Your Triggers & Feel Better!

    Complete a 2-month elimination diet (with help from your dietitian!) to discover which foods make you feel your best

Why are we offering this?

Because food is meant to be a source of joy, not pain.

When we reflected on our own multi-year journeys with gut issues, we asked ourselves: "what would have been the best first step?" And it was obvious that working with a compassionate, registered dietitian would have saved all of us years of pain and overwhelming situations.

So now, we're working with the best dietitians to offer you the best first step for getting answers to your questions and reclaiming your joy around food. And we're offering it at a discount to normal pricing because you've probably spent enough around healthcare as-is!

It's going to take sacrifice and willpower, but investing in your wellness is so worth it. And there's a 100% money back guarantee if you change your mind!

Join the Fig Care Program